Thursday, 18 September 2014

What have you done today to make you feel proud?

“There is a stubbornness about me that never can bear to be 

frightened at the will of others. My courage always rises at 

every attempt to intimidate me.” 

If someone were to ask me what my weaknesses were I would be able to tell them straight away that I am stubborn and I am impulsive. When you throw these two things together you are in for some serious fun OR I am going to stress myself the HELL out. It can very easily go either way!

So when I decided to start this year of fundraising by doing ridiculous things it was impulsive and everyone thought it was a bit of a crazy challenge to set myself but luckily my stubbornness saw me through and it has lead me to raising over £6,000 and have met some great people doing it and had some memorable times with my friends and family who lets face it are all one and the same!

Now, coming to the end, I am organising a fabulous event which I know a lot of you are now familiar with (sorry, not sorry) which has been the outcome of again my impulsive nature but has lead to the stressful repercussions. 

Who thought that bunging together a few prizes, balloons, band, food, people, decorations, venue, chair covers, speakers, photographer, invitations, posters, advertising, sponsors and budgets together would be so difficult? Sod organising a wedding after this! I am hiring someone to do mine!

Anyway... Today it almost got to me - I can prove this as I went to get ready for bed I found I still had my bra on. Now people who know me well will be shocked to know that I was at home, for hours, and didn't take it off as soon as I walked in the door. That's how you can tell it's a bad time for me! While doing a full-time job I thought maybe finally I had taken on too much and was on the verge of caving but a few things pushed me through... Firstly my family, jumping right in and picking up phones, hiking around where I live delivering leaflets and generally sorting me out. Secondly the wonderful staff at The Autism Trust for answering every question and demand I have of them! Thirdly that stubbornness..... that voice in my head that says "don't give up. what's the point in giving up? You'd just be lazy and dumb to give up on it now!"

When I was in Primary School I had a teacher, Miss Hinnigan her name was, who used to moan that I have up on things when I found them hard. It was true, I did. But in my defence it was algebra and WHEN HAS ANYONE EVER USED IT IN REAL LIFE?!

Even now I give up when things get hard... in the gym I don't always do all 10 squats because it hurts, and who cares if I have a toned bum or not!? or wearing heels all night. Sod it, I am just going to give in when my feet hurt, not worth the gain for the pain!

However, this, raising money for a good cause and having fun doing it is not something I can give up on and I won't. I will make this event amazing, and so worth it! I want to make myself cry with pride! I want to say I have achieved something, and not only for myself. 

So lovely people, buy tickets, buy beautiful dresses and get those suits dry cleaned and come join me in doing something great! We are going to have SUCH a good time because I will make it so!

I know I have flogged this a million times but here is goes one more time: 

Saturday 1st November
Alexandra Suite, Swanley
7pm - 1am

Tickets are £55
Larger group bookings can get a cheeky discount

You can get tickets if you message me, or via the Facebook page, or pigeon, smoke signal... any way you see fit!

Well that's it for tonight. 

Hope..... Out

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