I did it!
My year is over and I can't believe it has been that long already. I find myself writing this ironically in the same state I wrote that first ever blog... Sitting in bed alone, with time to reflect.
It really has been an incredible year and I have achieved things I never would have thought I could. I have had so much fun doing it and have learnt so much, like a tiny extra bit of facial hair can really make a difference in body temperature, and hula-hooping is not as easy as it looks and that an astounding amount of confidence can come from being naked in front of strangers (I still recommend that to anyone!).
So the Ball itself... Well I can only describe it as fabulous. It was the most amazing evening, everyone looked incredible, we drank, we danced, we ate and it seemed I was not told about the game for the evening.... "Who can make Hope cry the most?". I think I spent as much of the evening crying as I did smiling, and I had cheek ache from smiling so that should give you an idea on how much I cried! These tears were happy don't worry... They came because of my wonderful, darling friends and family (I'm feeling tears now just thinking about it). They have all been so wonderful during my escapades, and I know I have already said it a thousand times but I don't think those who have supported me will ever really know how much they all mean to me. Without them I couldn't have done half the things I did. Without them I wouldn't have had a cake stand at my hula-hoop-Athon or a board for my kissing booth, or raffle prizes for my ball, or a ball at all for that matter! I owe a lot to them all. If I didn't think people would get bored I would name you all... I just hope you know who you all are!

I owe you all a lot but I have to say (without sounding big headed) that I am proud of my achievement. I never imagined I would do as well as I have and to give you an idea of why I am so happy I will tell you what you are all waiting to know... The final amount..........
So the breakdown:
Previous amount raised: £6402.50
Amount raised from the Ball: £2832
TOTAL £9,234.50
When I started this I never put a total on it but in my mind I would have liked to have raised £10,000. I am pretty darn close so I am ecstatic and I hope that this money can make a difference in the lives of those affected by Autism.
Mo Wilson made a very poignant speech at the Ball and everything she said are real issues facing families every day. My year is a small drop in a very big ocean of what can be done. So much more can be done and I aim to help do those things or at least contribute the best I can.
My year may be over but my fundraising in my own ridiculous way will continue, I'm just going to ensure my efforts are bigger, better and more ridiculous than ever before! I have to say I may not be able to keep up the monthly events but I will keep up this blog as much as I can and will be keeping everyone up to date with what I am doing for the Trust. Oh and I am totally available for all event organising in future! Turns out I really REALLY love organising stuff! I mean most people knew this anyway but I LOVED it and turns out I'm not half bad at it!
If anyone is thinking of organising their own I recommend the below contributors:
Band - The Toons www.facebook.com/thetoonsband
Chair cover and sashes - Daphne Richards 07950 187595
Auction - www.fundraising-auctions.co.uk
Venue - Alexandra Suite, Swanley. James Matthews (manager) is awesome! 01322 613900
Photographer - Gabrielle Salter www.facebook.com/gabie.salter
Honestly I don't really know how to end this one... I suppose it's ciao for now.
I will of course add a later blog with some more photos. I suppose all I can do is ask to keep reading, keep supporting, check out The Autism Trust (www.theautismtrust.org.uk) and if you think of anything whacky I can do in 2015 let me know!
Thanks for reading everyone!
Hope... Out
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